Kaldheim Set Review — Artifacts and Lands

Trent Trombley
Trent Trombley
Kaldheim Set Review — Artifacts and Lands
(The World TreeThe World Tree | Art by Anastasia Ovchinnikova)

With Rime or Reason

Welcome to the Kaldheim set review for artifacts and lands. With a major influx of lands, there's a lot of ground to cover (heh), so we'll be looking at a few of the artifacts in depth and making sure we try and do our due diligence to the vast snowy landscapes that await us on Kaldheim. Grab your snow shoes and rucksacks, as I be your Alpine GuideAlpine Guide on this journey!


Cosmos Elixir

Cosmos Elixir

This thing has potential, but I think only in very specific builds. Lifegain is a long-standing archetype, coming in as the third most popular theme on EDHREC, comprising just north of 11,000 decks. Commanders like Heliod, Sun CrownedHeliod, Sun Crowned, Karlov, of the Ghost CouncilKarlov, of the Ghost Council, and Ayli, Eternal PilgrimAyli, Eternal Pilgrim might want to give this a try, as they are often poised to increase their life totals well above the starting 40, and the incidental lifegain along the way will only help their other lifegain synergies.

Heliod, Sun Crowned
Karlov, of the Ghost Council
Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim

Outside of a dedicated lifegain deck, though, I think this card can be a trap. You should ask yourself: is paying four mana to incidentally gain two life a turn worth it, assuming it sticks around? Even if it is the same rate as paying for two Ajani's MantraAjani's Mantras, I'm not sure it's worth it unless you have a means of mobilizing that life in some fashion. Frankly, I'm surprised it doesn't have a white casting cost to begin with.

Maskwood Nexus

Maskwood Nexus

I'm convinced this card is a skeleton key Skeleton KeySkeleton Key. Turning all of your creatures into Mistform UltimusMistform Ultimus already opens up lots of quirky doors, let alone having a cheaper Birthing BoughsBirthing Boughs activation tacked onto it.

Morophon the Boundless
Reaper King
Silumgar, the Drifting Death

Some are obvious: Morophon the BoundlessMorophon the Boundless 'lord' tribal decks will likely have a ball with it, as it can shore up the 'other half' problem. Reaper KingReaper King decks often struggle to run efficient Scarecrows, and this allows them to just make any creature they want — not just Changelings — into a VindicateVindicate. Silumgar, the Drifting DeathSilumgar, the Drifting Death will happily turn a board of Gudul LurkerGudul Lurkers into pseudo-NefashuNefashus, and General TazriGeneral Tazri can start tutoring for non-Allies, since, well, they're now also Allies. Inalla, Archmage RitualistInalla, Archmage Ritualist can double up any creature she plays, since they'd all be Wizards now.

But it goes much deeper.

Rooftop StormRooftop Storm suddenly makes all your creature spells free. Cards like Faces of the PastFaces of the Past and Merrow CommerceMerrow Commerce allow you to untap all of your creatures. Stoneforge MasterworkStoneforge Masterwork, Alpha StatusAlpha Status and Coat of ArmsCoat of Arms give sizeable boosts to your board. Patriarch's BiddingPatriarch's Bidding brings back everything in your graveyard, no matter the phylogenic hodgepodge in their text boxes. Whelming WaveWhelming Wave, Peer PressurePeer Pressure and Harsh MercyHarsh Mercy can become blowouts.

Overall, I'm excited for this card, as it has the potential to help shore up under-supported tribes as well as expand into further possibilities for other weird tribal synergies.

Pyre of Heroes

Pyre of Heroes

Birthing PodBirthing Pod is a notorious card, being banned in Modern, and seeing play in almost 12,000 decks on EDHREC. This one has a very similar effect, but unlike the Build-a-Bionicle workshop, it can slot into any EDH deck thanks to it being colorless. The drawback: it's tribal-restricted. Still, I think this card has potency. It will likely see play in tribal Aristocrat-ish decks, like Wort, Boggart AuntieWort, Boggart Auntie Goblins, Orah, Skyclave HierophantOrah, Skyclave Hierophant Clerics, or some tribal-leaning Marchesa, the Black RoseMarchesa, the Black Rose lists. I can also see it in toolbox-y, enter-the-battlefield-based tribal decks like Allies or Inalla, Archmage RitualistInalla, Archmage Ritualist Wizards. It also works really well with Changelings, though my money is seeing it in something wonky like Kurkesh, Onakke AncientKurkesh, Onakke Ancient Golems or Constructs.

Weathered Runestone

Weathered Runestone

Seasoned players will note the extreme similarities to the rare Grafdigger's CageGrafdigger's Cage. Both Weathered RunestoneWeathered Runestone and Grafdigger's CageGrafdigger's Cage often pose a serious impediment to many graveyard-centric decks. Graveyards are frequently used as a conduit — an extension of one's hand and options — and these cards do well to keep the dead nice and tucked in. Both also prevent people from casting from their libraries, shutting down cards like Elsha of the InfiniteElsha of the Infinite, Bolas's CitadelBolas's Citadel, Mystic ForgeMystic Forge, or Yennett, Cryptic SovereignYennett, Cryptic Sovereign.

Bolas's Citadel
Grafdigger's Cage

So where does Weathered RunestoneWeathered Runestone differ from Grafdigger's CageGrafdigger's Cage? The Runestone's lack of creature restriction means it hits cards like Primal SurgePrimal Surge, Estrid, the MaskedEstrid, the Masked's ultimate, ReplenishReplenish, Sharuum the HegemonSharuum the Hegemon, Academy RectorAcademy Rector, etc. Overall, the differences are relatively minor, and Grafdigger's CageGrafdigger's Cage will do most of what the runestone will do at one mana cheaper. However, the uncommon aspect of this card can't be overlooked, and I for one am glad to see more graveyard hate being printed at lower rarities.

Colossal Plow

Colossal Plow

With an influx of new Vehicles, lead-foots can rejoice putting their pedal to the metal. While a Crew cost of 6 means you practically need an entire village's worth of SquireSquires to figure this thing out, at the end of the day it produces mana in white, which is great. My excitement for this card isn't so much the card itself, but what it could possibly foreshadow. White as a color often evokes a sense of agropastoral connection, emphasizing the importance of tilling the land, elbow grease, and community, and I genuinely hope this humble plow sows the seeds for similar cards to come. Seeing as how we got Stoic FarmerStoic Farmer (with plow in hand!) in the Phantom Premonition precon, hopes are high!

Replicating Ring

Replicating Ring

This card feels like a mini-game. I don't envision it will turn up too much, but it may make an appearance in your Vorel of the Hull CladeVorel of the Hull Clade kind of lists or in other decks that want to Proliferate counters like Atraxa, Praetors' VoiceAtraxa, Praetors' Voice. I can also see it being a bit of fun in Shrine-centric decks (e.g. Sanctum of AllSanctum of All) since they tend to emphasize multiple upkeeps via Paradox HazeParadox Haze or Sphinx of the Second SunSphinx of the Second Sun. Being a snow artifact also doesn't hurt it, incidentally synergizing with your snow synergies or building towards Marit Lage's SlumberMarit Lage's Slumber.



Hengegate Pathway
Blightstep Pathway
Darkbore Pathway
Barkchannel Pathway

There's not much to say about these, other than it's great to have the cycle finished so soon. The six pathways were introduced in Zendikar Rising, and it's nice to see these being finished quickly, and with some art featuring a different plane. Two-color decks, rejoice!

Snow-Covered Basics

Snow-covered Plains
Snow-covered Island
Snow-covered Swamp

Snow-covered Mountain
Snow-covered Forest

Turns out, if you espouse "Winter is Coming" long enough, someday you'll be right. The Stark's brooding premonition has come to fruition, as now-covered basics have returned to Standard - the first time since Coldsnap (2006). That's despite Magic R&D lead designer Mark Rosewater saying as recently as 2017 "I'll never say never, but I'm highly skeptical we'd reprint them in a Standard-legal set." Never say never, indeed!

Whether EDH or another format, the issue is: there is little downside to not run snow-covered lands instead of just basic lands.

Freyalise's Radiance
Cold Snap

In fact, as of yet there are really only a handful of cards that punish players for playing snow, and they see abysmally little play:

  • AvalancheAvalanche: 3 decks | 0.001% of eligible decks
  • Cold SnapCold Snap: 6 decks | 0.003% of eligible decks
  • Freyalise's RadianceFreyalise's Radiance: 3 decks | 0.001% of eligible decks
  • MeltingMelting: 5 decks | 0.002% eligible decks

These cards only work against snow-inclusive decks, so the opportunity cost can absolutely whiff, and some of them still have upkeep costs to maintain them. Reidane, God of the WorthyReidane, God of the Worthy may help, but not by much, especially when Extraplanar LensExtraplanar Lens (8,418 decks), Dead of WinterDead of Winter (2,346 decks), or the new Jorn, God of WinterJorn, God of Winter just give you such tremendous advantages for swapping your basics with snow-covered ones.

While I'm excited for new snowy synergies and the lands becoming more affordable and accessible, I don't care for them outright displacing basic lands with minimal downside. Magic's vast array of artistic renditions of basic lands is part of the game's allure, and feeling pressure to lose out on your favorite 230+ ForestForest landscapes for one of the six Snow-covered ones can leave a sour taste.

Snow Dual Taplands

Arctic Treeline
Ice Tunnel
Woodland Chasm

Dual lands are back! Well, sort of. I'll admit, I was surprised to see two basic land typings at common rarity, with the snow super-type to boot. The drawback of course is that they come in tapped. So just how big of a splash will these make? Let's start by comparing them to their snowy tapped counterparts — the allied lands of Coldsnap:

Okay, so they don't see that much play, but I venture their limited color availability and single printing (and thus, price) might factor into this. Let's compare this with your more typical tap-lands:

Overall, I see these snowy dual tap lands either supplementing budget mana bases or even replacing some other tap lands without the basic land typing, just so your FarseekFarseek can grab exactly what you need. I think these will shine brightest in metas where speed and tempo aren't big concerns.

The World Tree

The World Tree

We arrive at The World TreeThe World Tree — the very tree at the heart of the Kaldheim Teaser Trailer where Loki TibaltTibalt went from meme to dream, and where Koma, Cosmos SerpentKoma, Cosmos Serpent made cozy. Alluding to the canonical Yggdrasil, it's no wonder this thing is splashy. It may enter tapped (there's no Miracle-Gro for World Trees, after all), but it becomes a Chromatic LanternChromatic Lantern once you've hit six lands, and it has the capability to tutor for any number of God cards directly onto the battlefield for the cost of ProgenitusProgenitus.

Any five-color deck can run this, and may indeed be right to, given its five-color identity and ability to help with color-fixing, but I think we'll see it crop up most in Golos, Tireless PilgrimGolos, Tireless Pilgrim lists, since he can fetch it out to help fix the rest of the mana base in a pinch to start activating his WUBRG ability. While I don't envision the second activated ability being emphasized as much, I could see it coming up in five-color God tribal lists, like Morophon, the BoundlessMorophon, the Boundless or Ramos, Dragon EngineRamos, Dragon Engine. Bonus points for using this in tandem with Maskwood NexusMaskwood Nexus to get every creature out of your deck, regardless of creature type!

As for why it's not legendary, Mark Rosewater stated on Twitter that it was due to 1) play pattern and 2) mana bonds. I sympathize with play pattern issues in non-singleton formats, but I do think The World Tree evokes a sense of, well, legend.

Tyrite Sanctum

Tyrite Sanctum

While this is sure to help your God-led commander deck (e.g. Heliod, Sun CrownedHeliod, Sun Crowned, Oketra, the TrueOketra, the True) or Changeling deck, I think we all know Skullbriar, the Walking GraveSkullbriar, the Walking Grave is the real winner here. Daring FiendbonderDaring Fiendbonder followed by Tyrite SanctumTyrite Sanctum means the bipedal burial now has access to two indestructible counters.

Faceless Haven

Faceless Haven

It's a snowman-land! Yes! I've been waiting so long to make that joke.

MutavaultMutavault sees play in over 4,000 decks, and it has some neat interactions by having all creature types, such as drawing you cards off of Distant MelodyDistant Melody, pumping your team further with Shared AnimosityShared Animosity, or making your Rat ColonyRat Colony even bigger. Faceless HavenFaceless Haven has similar potential. The vigilance is neat here as well, since you might have the potential to swing in for some damage in combat, then keep it untapped for mana later.

The art is also incredible, with enough subtle shades of whites and grays that would put the Home Depot painting department to shame. It looks like the wintery season of the album cover for Blood Mountain, and the flavor text (non-showcase version) just completes it. The set for metal indeed.

Two-color Tap Utility Lands

Axgard Armory
Port of Karfell
Gnottvold Slumbermound

These two-color tap lands come with some major utility offerings in a pinch. While these will always come in tapped (short of an Amulet of VigorAmulet of Vigor) and sacrifice themselves, they do have some notable payoffs among them. While some are scaled more to 1-on-1 formats (e.g. Immersturm SkullcairnImmersturm Skullcairn), others seem particularly potent for EDH, such as reanimating a key creature with Port of KarfellPort of Karfell or tutoring an Equipment and an Aura for your new Wyleth, Soul of SteelWyleth, Soul of Steel deck with Axgard ArmoryAxgard Armory. They are notably focused more towards that guild's preexisting mechanics or themes, so I think they're better-suited to two-color decks.

I'll lightning-round a super quick list of each and a commander or two that may take the most interest in each where applicable.

Shimmerdrift Vale

Shimmerdrift Vale

This is interesting, as it kind of functions similar to an Evolving WildsEvolving Wilds in terms of tempo, but you lose out on the double Landfall trigger and deck shuffling. The snow typing is nothing to ignore, but I suppose an Evolving WildsEvolving Wilds could just get your Snow-Covered ForestSnow-Covered Forest. You could use your Scrying SheetsScrying Sheets to rip this off the top where you couldn't with Evolving WildsEvolving Wilds, but most of the time, I see it as a nice budget inclusion and may well see play in Pauper EDH.


Well, that concludes our tour of Kaldheim's trinkets and landscapes! If you want to explore the scenery even more, check out the ten realms of Kaldheim or read up on the Travelers here!

And let us know what you think about the AvalancheAvalanche of snow synergies coming into EDH with Kaldheim. Are you excited for the return of snow? Do you wish there were more snow-hosers (and no, not as in Bob and Doug McKenzie 'hoser')? Sound off in the comments below!

Trent Trombley

Trent has been playing Magic since the early 2000s, when instead of exercising in a summer sports camp, he was trying to resolve a Krosan Skyscraper on the sidewalk (it always ate a removal). He saved up his allowance to buy an Akroma Angel of Wrath on eBay, only to find out it was a fraudulent post, forever dashing his hopes of ever getting a big creature to stick. He’s since “grown up” and, when he’s not working on his dissertation in Archaeology, spends too much time thinking how to put Cipher in every one of his decks and digging for obscure cards (see photo).

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