Painbow - Upgrade Guide

Scrap Trawlers
Scrap Trawlers
Painbow - Upgrade Guide
(Jared CarthalionJared Carthalion | Art by Manuel Castañón)

Stay Gold

Hello dear reader, and welcome to EDHREC’s Precon Upgrade series! This series has Partner With the Precon Primer series, where we thoroughly review the latest preconstructed decks. I’m Nick from the Scrap Trawlers, where we do EDH on a budget, and I previously reviewed the Painbow deck from the Dominaria United series of Commander decks. Today we're adding a little keratin to Jared's luscious locks to make the Painbow precon deck really shine. Before we begin, let's review the original decklist:

Painbow Precon

View on Archidekt

Commander (1)

Creatures (26)

Instants (10)

Sorceries (14)

Artifacts (6)

Enchantments (4)

Lands (39)

Jared Carthalion

Combing Through

Since we're working with all five colors, one of the first things I reviewed was the manabase. 24 lands that come into play tapped is a lot, but they go a long way to provide what you need when you need it. There are a couple neat interactions, like being able to fetch a Murmuring BoskMurmuring Bosk with things like Krosan VergeKrosan Verge and GrasslandsGrasslands. While there's definitely room for improvement, the deck functions well as is. To save money, we won't add cards like City of BrassCity of Brass or Mana ConfluenceMana Confluence.

Ramp is an important aspect of many decks, and fixing is essential to those running multiple colors. A huge chunk of the precon is dedicated to achieving both. In fact, there’s so much ramp in here you could mistake this for a Landfall deck. We can trim some of the fat here.

The removal suite is a bit lopsided towards boardwipes, which is a great way to protect your planeswalker commander. However, we're still aiming to win via combat damage so too many of these fly in the face of our game plan.

The biggest miss in the deck is the lack of multicolored matters cards. 11 isn’t a lot, so this will be the main focus for upgrades. Along those lines, we'll stick with Jared CarthalionJared Carthalion as the commander. With that being said, let’s get to it.


Starting with the most added card at a 45% inclusion rate, General Ferrous RokiricGeneral Ferrous Rokiric comes down early and makes a 4/4 red and white golem token whenever you cast a multicolored spell. These tokens can be pumped into 6/6s with Jared's second ability, and Rokiric himself is surprisingly resilient thanks to his ability to dodge spot removal like Swords to PlowsharesSwords to Plowshares. Another solid creature is Moonveil RegentMoonveil Regent. With this, all your five colored spells, like Jared, also draw you five cards! It fits well on our mana curve so you can play this and slam Jared the very next turn. As a bonus, it can pick off another creature on it’s way to the graveyard. As if that weren't enough value, any multicolored spells you've discarded can be brought back with Jared’s third ability. Rounding out our multicolor matters suite, Widespread ThievingWidespread Thieving will net you a treasure for any multicolored spell you cast, and Tome of the GuildpactTome of the Guildpact provides card draw and more ramp and fixing. Finally we have the criminally underplayed Civic SaberCivic Saber, showing up in just under 10 decks at the time of writing. This powerhouse equipment can add five power to your pentacolored creatures. Combine this with Jared's first and second abilities, and you're swinging with a 13/8 Trampling Kavu as early as turn 6! Even if Jared isn't around, an equipped Two-Headed HellkiteTwo-Headed Hellkite or Maelstrom ArchangelMaelstrom Archangel become great finishers.

General Ferrous Rokiric
Moonveil Regent
Civic Saber

In: General Ferrous RokiricGeneral Ferrous Rokiric, Moonveil RegentMoonveil Regent, Widespread ThievingWidespread Thieving, Tome of the GuildpactTome of the Guildpact, Civic SaberCivic Saber

The stock list has a decent 11 single target removal spells, but let's add another. The Kami WarThe Kami War is a five color Anguished UnmakingAnguished Unmaking and RecoilRecoil on the front half, and a huge flamping beater with a RegrowthRegrowth on the back. Sure, the removal is a little slow at sorcery speed, but the payoff is more than worth it. Checking the draw suite, we've 16 cards that draw one or more cards (not including Jared's third ability). Some are weaker than others, so we'll replace one with a tutor. Bring to LightBring to Light is able to grab a whopping 40 cards from our deck, and also play them immediately! Whether you need an Iridian MaelstromIridian Maelstrom to clear the board or Faeburrow ElderFaeburrow Elder to provide extra mana, the incredible flexibility of Bring to LightBring to Light can't be overstated.

The Kami War
Bring to Light

In: The Kami WarThe Kami War, Bring to LightBring to Light

Since we're a combat focused deck, providing haste to our creatures just makes sense. Fires of YavimayaFires of Yavimaya is a cheap enabler that's multicolored while not being too intensive, and provides a small power boost in a pinch. It would be great to turn some of our creatures like Archelos, Lagoon MysticArchelos, Lagoon Mystic into five colors, so let's add ScuttlemuttScuttlemutt to do just that! It's an easy to cast mana dork early on and ensures Jared's second ability doesn't go to waste.

Fires of Yavimaya

In: Fires of YavimayaFires of Yavimaya, ScuttlemuttScuttlemutt

Lastly, I wanted to add one more surprise haymaker. Planewide CelebrationPlanewide Celebration is perfect for this deck! The 2/2 Citizens are all colors, so Jared can turn them into 7/7s with ease. Since we're casting this in the late game, recurring any fallen permanents or gaining nearly half our starting life total back are always relevant modes. However, the best of the bunch is the Proliferate. With it, Jared regains his loyalty counters, you can supercharge your creatures with counters, and even flip The Kami WarThe Kami War earlier! No part of this animal goes to waste, and I'm glad to see this Story Spotlight card finally has a home.

Planewide Celebration

In: Planewide CelebrationPlanewide Celebration


We've expanded the multicolored matters theme, added some targeted removal and a tutor, made our existing creatures better, and added another card to help us close out the game. Now let's move to the cuts, starting with ramp. Selvala, Explorer ReturnedSelvala, Explorer Returned can make anywhere from 0-4 mana, and only green mana at that. Parley is a fun mechanic, but it's unnecessary here. Zaxara, the ExemplaryZaxara, the Exemplary performs a similar role. It's is great in a deck full of X spells. Unfortunately there’s only one in the entire deck (LavalancheLavalanche). While it always provides two mana, it's restricted to one color. Lastly, Explosive VegetationExplosive Vegetation comes out. It's a fine card, but we still have a ton of ramp and fixing, and most of those card do it better.

Selvala, Explorer Returned
Zaxara, the Exemplary
Explosive Vegetation

Out: Selvala, Explorer ReturnedSelvala, Explorer Returned, Zaxara, the ExemplaryZaxara, the Exemplary, Explosive VegetationExplosive Vegetation

Next is color fixing. A lot of our ramp already performs this role, so we'll remove the worst of the bunch. Abundant GrowthAbundant Growth comes down early and cantrips, but since most of our lands are coming into play tapped it's not as fast as it could be. Along those lines is Prophetic PrismProphetic Prism which, while colorless, is just not very exciting. We'll end this section by chopping Path to the World TreePath to the World Tree. It's a slower Rampant GrowthRampant Growth with an ability that you'll never want to to spend 7 mana to activate.

Abundant Growth
Prophetic Prism
Path to the World Tree

Out: Abundant GrowthAbundant Growth, Prophetic PrismProphetic Prism, Path to the World TreePath to the World Tree

Depending on your criteria, there are almost 7 boardwipes in the precon. As previously stated, we don't want that many, so let's cut three. Radiant FlamesRadiant Flames is the cheapest of the bunch. I understand the appeal of Converge in a five color deck. While you could spend less colors of mana to deal less damage, you're eliminating vital blockers for Jared. DuneblastDuneblast can go, too. While its three colors, 7 mana is a little too much for this effect. Time WipeTime Wipe is also getting cut as the next "worst" option. The good news with this cut? Now you can play Jegantha, the WellspringJegantha, the Wellspring as a companion!

Radiant Flames
Time Wipe

Out: Radiant FlamesRadiant Flames, DuneblastDuneblast, Time WipeTime Wipe

We need one more, and the final cut is a weird include. Atla Palani, Nest TenderAtla Palani, Nest Tender is a sweet commander in her own right. She even has a home in the 99 of decks with tons of huge creatures you want to cheat out, like Mayael the AnimaMayael the Anima. In this deck, we have creatures on nearly every spot of our mana curve, but little top-deck manipulation, so on average the hatchlings won't provide much value. Imagine how big of a letdown it is spending a total of 6 mana to cast Atla and activate, make an egg and crack it, only to flip a Coiling OracleCoiling Oracle (it's happened). That's just too many hoops to jump through for rotten eggs.

Atla Palani, Nest Tender

Out: Atla Palani, Nest TenderAtla Palani, Nest Tender

10 cards out and 10 in! Let's check out the finished product:

Painbow Precon Upgrade

View on Archidekt

Commander (1)

Creatures (26)

Instants (10)

Sorceries (12)

Artifacts (7)

Enchantments (5)

Lands (39)

Jared Carthalion

End of the Rainbow

These upgrades will only cost you around $6 at the time of writing. What do you think? Would you rather have Jenson Carthalion, Druid ExileJenson Carthalion, Druid Exile as the commander? What kind of changes would you make to the landbase? Do you think Converge is the most offensive keyword in Battle for Zendikar (just kidding it's Cohort)? Let me know in the comments! If you want to spend a little more on upgrades, check out the Precon Upgrades section right here on EDHREC. Thanks for reading! If you're looking for more Scrap Trawlers content, check us out on Twitter, Youtube, and Twitch! Until next time, dear reader, remember to budget...before you buy it.



Scrap Trawlers

Scrap Trawlers is a Magic: The Gathering budget EDH streaming and video group, with gameplay, deck techs, chats, and more. Catch our videos at Andy, Lenny, and Bert.

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