Hello Everyone! This is Bert from the Scrap Trawlers where we do Commander on a budget. Today we are looking at upgrades for the Party Time Preconstructed from Commander Legends: Baldur’s Gate. Like always we have a primer that lists the strategies and synergies that the deck feeds off of and here we are going to try to add a few cards to give the deck a bit more stopping power on the table. Let's go ahead and get into it.
Here is the Original decklist:
Party Time Precon
View on ArchidektCommander (1)
- 1 Nalia de'ArniseNalia de'Arnise
Artifacts (7)
- 1 Arcane SignetArcane Signet
- 1 Maskwood NexusMaskwood Nexus
- 1 Multiclass BaldricMulticlass Baldric
- 1 Orzhov SignetOrzhov Signet
- 1 SkullclampSkullclamp
- 1 Sol RingSol Ring
- 1 Talisman of HierarchyTalisman of Hierarchy
Creatures (44)
- 1 Archpriest of IonaArchpriest of Iona
- 1 Aven MindcensorAven Mindcensor
- 1 Bloodsoaked ChampionBloodsoaked Champion
- 1 Burakos, Party LeaderBurakos, Party Leader
- 1 Butcher of MalakirButcher of Malakir
- 1 Bygone BishopBygone Bishop
- 1 Calculating LichCalculating Lich
- 1 Changeling OutcastChangeling Outcast
- 1 Corpse AugurCorpse Augur
- 1 Deep Gnome TerramancerDeep Gnome Terramancer
- 1 Dire Fleet RavagerDire Fleet Ravager
- 1 Eight-and-a-Half-TailsEight-and-a-Half-Tails
- 1 Felisa, Fang of SilverquillFelisa, Fang of Silverquill
- 1 Frontline MedicFrontline Medic
- 1 Galepowder MageGalepowder Mage
- 1 Glorious ProtectorGlorious Protector
- 1 Gonti, Lord of LuxuryGonti, Lord of Luxury
- 1 Grim HaruspexGrim Haruspex
- 1 Grim HirelingGrim Hireling
- 1 Harper RecruiterHarper Recruiter
- 1 High Priest of PenanceHigh Priest of Penance
- 1 Irregular CohortIrregular Cohort
- 1 Jazal GoldmaneJazal Goldmane
- 1 Mage's AttendantMage's Attendant
- 1 Magus of the BalanceMagus of the Balance
- 1 Malakir Blood-PriestMalakir Blood-Priest
- 1 Mardu Strike LeaderMardu Strike Leader
- 1 Mikaeus, the LunarchMikaeus, the Lunarch
- 1 Mindblade RenderMindblade Render
- 1 Mirror EntityMirror Entity
- 1 Mother of RunesMother of Runes
- 1 Nighthawk ScavengerNighthawk Scavenger
- 1 Order of WhiteclayOrder of Whiteclay
- 1 Pontiff of BlightPontiff of Blight
- 1 Priest of Ancient LorePriest of Ancient Lore
- 1 Puppeteer CliquePuppeteer Clique
- 1 Rumor GathererRumor Gatherer
- 1 Seasoned DungeoneerSeasoned Dungeoneer
- 1 Selfless SpiritSelfless Spirit
- 1 Solemn DoomguideSolemn Doomguide
- 1 Solemn RecruitSolemn Recruit
- 1 Squad CommanderSquad Commander
- 1 Valiant ChangelingValiant Changeling
- 1 Zulaport CutthroatZulaport Cutthroat
Lands (37)
- 1 Ash BarrensAsh Barrens
- 1 Bojuka BogBojuka Bog
- 1 Castle LocthwainCastle Locthwain
- 1 Command TowerCommand Tower
- 1 Mortuary MireMortuary Mire
- 1 MutavaultMutavault
- 1 Myriad LandscapeMyriad Landscape
- 1 Orzhov BasilicaOrzhov Basilica
- 1 Path of AncestryPath of Ancestry
- 10 PlainsPlains
- 1 Shambling VentShambling Vent
- 1 Snowfield SinkholeSnowfield Sinkhole
- 1 Starlit SanctumStarlit Sanctum
- 10 SwampSwamp
- 1 Tainted FieldTainted Field
- 1 Temple of SilenceTemple of Silence
- 1 Vault of the ArchangelVault of the Archangel
- 1 War RoomWar Room
- 1 Windbrisk HeightsWindbrisk Heights
Sorceries (5)
- 1 Austere CommandAustere Command
- 1 Dusk // DawnDusk // Dawn
- 1 Sevinne's ReclamationSevinne's Reclamation
- 1 Stick TogetherStick Together
- 1 Thwart the GraveThwart the Grave
Enchantments (3)
- 1 Black Market ConnectionsBlack Market Connections
- 1 Firja's RetributionFirja's Retribution
- 1 Folk HeroFolk Hero
Instants (3)
- 1 Crib SwapCrib Swap
- 1 DesparkDespark
- 1 Unbreakable FormationUnbreakable Formation
Prepping for the Party
Our commander of this deck is none other than Nalia de’ArniseNalia de’Arnise. She is a rogue that powers up our board when we have met the requirements of the Party mechanic. This means that early on we can put out our low cost utility creatures that fall into the creature type categories and then have them grow through our commander's effect. The sections of the deck that I feel are lacking a bit are going to be that all important card draw as well as a bit of ramp. So we will be looking for ways to shore this up while adding to our overall power.
Making the invite list
To get this started we will be adding some utility creatures that will give our board a more effective presence. I would like to begin by talking about Oona’s BlackguardOona’s Blackguard. It is a powerful creature that not only empowers our rogues but also removes a few cards from our opponents hands. We are not a dedicated rogue deck so it won't be so oppressive to the point where our opponents can’t play the game but it definitely will sting a bit when they have to discard their favorite card. Next is a card that comes from the Warhammer decks that I feel has a great place among the many warriors we have at our disposal. The creature in question being Assault IntercessorAssault Intercessor. It already has First Strike and Menace making it tough to block but also has the added effect of making our opponent lose two life every time a creature they control dies making for some deep thought for our opponents when it comes to combat. So the fact that Nalia will give this creature Deathtouch and a +1/+1 counter is just icing on the cake. Last in this small piece on bolstering our army is that of Oketra’s monumentOketra’s monument. This is an awesome card that gives us a two for one whenever we cast a creature making it so that the warrior slot is always full in our deck. After our party is full then we just have the benefit of having a board of warriors ready to fight for us.
Here we are adding some cards that will help the overall flow of the deck. Varragoth, Bloodsky SireVarragoth, Bloodsky Sire is a powerhouse that can provide us with some awesome card selection as well as fitting in the rogue slot of our party. This works amazingly in conjunction with Nalia’s static effect of letting us cast a party creature from the top of our deck. Weathered WayfarerWeathered Wayfarer is just a great creature that has a low cost and will help us fix our mana for the rest of the game essentially. It happily fits in the cleric slot so it will also help our party come together while ensuring that we will hit our land drops for turns to come. Lastly is a card that I have been high on for a bit now and that's Tocasia’s WelcomeTocasia’s Welcome. In a decklist where we have a ton of creatures that fall under mana value three this card will just provide us with an absorbent amount of support. We can cast part cards from the top of our deck and then draw the noncreature spells to our hand so that we can keep the creature machine running providing our board with some amazing power.
Off the Guestlist
Since we have who was invited to the party now let's talk about a couple cards that are off of the guest list. Folk HeroFolk Hero is an amazing card in its own right but here where we only have a rogue in the command zone it doesn't carry as much weight as it would if we were dedicated to just one creature type in particular. High Priest of PenanceHigh Priest of Penance is a good card but just does not have a big enough effect for me as it just serves as a fancy rattlesnake. Butcher of MalakirButcher of Malakir is a card that I used to play a lot when I first began to play Commander but in my opinion has fallen to the wayside as it creates some undesirable play patterns that can be less than fun for our opponents. Another card on the chopping block is going to be Galepowder MageGalepowder Mage. It gives us a chance to reuse an ETB effect on our board but since our deck rarely abuses those we definitely can find something more useful that can fit into the slot. Solemn RecruitSolemn Recruit is a creature that I find to be a bit lackluster. The floor for this card is mediocre while the ceiling for it is amazing. After a few turns of triggering revolt we would have a powerhouse on our hands but we don't really have a ton of ways to trigger this effect ourselves so I feel that it would leave a bit to be desired.
VIP List
As you know by now we at Scrap Trawlers are budget conscious but we set aside a section in our articles to discuss some of the more expensive cards that we will fit into our decks. Starting out with the usual spicing up the mana base is an easy way to get the budget out the window. Adding a nice Godless ShrineGodless Shrine would help out with mana a bit.
Some other cards that we can add to help out the deck would be something like Tymna the WeaverTymna the Weaver an amazing card if not a bit pricey. She can benefit from the counters that Nalia provides as well as giving us more of that juicy card draw as well as fitting into that cleric slot making her a triple threat. I am a fan of Dark ConfidantDark Confidant as it gives us another opportunity to draw cards while also fitting in the wizard slot that Orzhov has slim pickings in. To help Nalia’s ability of casting from the top we will use the best top Sensei’s Divining TopSensei’s Divining Top to be precise. It will allow us to order our cards to get rid of the undesirables and ensure that we have a party casting from the top. Also since we have so many creatures on board we have to have at least one way to protect them. My bid this time is that of Flawless ManeuverFlawless Maneuver providing us with a get out of jail free card when we are graced with Nalia’s presence.
Party Recap
So our final list looks like this:
Party Time Precon upgrade
View on ArchidektCommander (1)
- 1 Nalia de'ArniseNalia de'Arnise
Artifacts (7)
- 1 Arcane SignetArcane Signet
- 1 Maskwood NexusMaskwood Nexus
- 1 Oketra's MonumentOketra's Monument
- 1 Orzhov SignetOrzhov Signet
- 1 SkullclampSkullclamp
- 1 Sol RingSol Ring
- 1 Talisman of HierarchyTalisman of Hierarchy
Creatures (45)
- 1 Archpriest of IonaArchpriest of Iona
- 1 Assault IntercessorAssault Intercessor
- 1 Bloodsoaked ChampionBloodsoaked Champion
- 1 Burakos, Party LeaderBurakos, Party Leader
- 1 Bygone BishopBygone Bishop
- 1 Calculating LichCalculating Lich
- 1 Changeling OutcastChangeling Outcast
- 1 Corpse AugurCorpse Augur
- 1 Dire Fleet RavagerDire Fleet Ravager
- 1 Eight-and-a-Half-TailsEight-and-a-Half-Tails
- 1 Felisa, Fang of SilverquillFelisa, Fang of Silverquill
- 1 Frontline MedicFrontline Medic
- 1 Glorious ProtectorGlorious Protector
- 1 Gonti, Lord of LuxuryGonti, Lord of Luxury
- 1 Grim HaruspexGrim Haruspex
- 1 Grim HirelingGrim Hireling
- 1 Harper RecruiterHarper Recruiter
- 1 High Priest of PenanceHigh Priest of Penance
- 1 Irregular CohortIrregular Cohort
- 1 Jazal GoldmaneJazal Goldmane
- 1 Keen DuelistKeen Duelist
- 1 Mage's AttendantMage's Attendant
- 1 Magus of the BalanceMagus of the Balance
- 1 Malakir Blood-PriestMalakir Blood-Priest
- 1 Mardu Strike LeaderMardu Strike Leader
- 1 Mikaeus, the LunarchMikaeus, the Lunarch
- 1 Mindblade RenderMindblade Render
- 1 Mirror EntityMirror Entity
- 1 Mother of RunesMother of Runes
- 1 Nighthawk ScavengerNighthawk Scavenger
- 1 Oona's BlackguardOona's Blackguard
- 1 Order of WhiteclayOrder of Whiteclay
- 1 Pontiff of BlightPontiff of Blight
- 1 Priest of Ancient LorePriest of Ancient Lore
- 1 Puppeteer CliquePuppeteer Clique
- 1 Rumor GathererRumor Gatherer
- 1 Seasoned DungeoneerSeasoned Dungeoneer
- 1 Selfless SpiritSelfless Spirit
- 1 Solemn DoomguideSolemn Doomguide
- 1 Solemn RecruitSolemn Recruit
- 1 Squad CommanderSquad Commander
- 1 Valiant ChangelingValiant Changeling
- 1 Varragoth, Bloodsky SireVarragoth, Bloodsky Sire
- 1 Weathered WayfarerWeathered Wayfarer
- 1 Zulaport CutthroatZulaport Cutthroat
Lands (37)
- 1 Ash BarrensAsh Barrens
- 1 Bojuka BogBojuka Bog
- 1 Castle LocthwainCastle Locthwain
- 1 Command TowerCommand Tower
- 1 Mortuary MireMortuary Mire
- 1 MutavaultMutavault
- 1 Myriad LandscapeMyriad Landscape
- 1 Orzhov BasilicaOrzhov Basilica
- 1 Path of AncestryPath of Ancestry
- 10 PlainsPlains
- 1 Shambling VentShambling Vent
- 1 Snowfield SinkholeSnowfield Sinkhole
- 1 Starlit SanctumStarlit Sanctum
- 10 SwampSwamp
- 1 Tainted FieldTainted Field
- 1 Temple of SilenceTemple of Silence
- 1 Vault of the ArchangelVault of the Archangel
- 1 War RoomWar Room
- 1 Windbrisk HeightsWindbrisk Heights
Sorceries (5)
- 1 Austere CommandAustere Command
- 1 Dusk // DawnDusk // Dawn
- 1 Sevinne's ReclamationSevinne's Reclamation
- 1 Stick TogetherStick Together
- 1 Thwart the GraveThwart the Grave
Enchantments (2)
- 1 Black Market ConnectionsBlack Market Connections
- 1 Tocasia's WelcomeTocasia's Welcome
Instants (3)
- 1 Crib SwapCrib Swap
- 1 DesparkDespark
- 1 Unbreakable FormationUnbreakable Formation
Looks like we have added some pretty sweet cards to our awesome party! Are there any cards that you would add for some upgrades? Let me know in the comments!
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