Core Set 2020 Set Review - Black
Which black cards from Core Set 2020 will cast the longest shadow on EDH?
Ultra Budget Brews - Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun
Temmet looks fancy, but he doesn't need a big budget to smack your opponents silly!
Playgroup Brews - War of the Spark (Pt 1)
Five new Gods have entered EDH... which means it's time for five new deck techs!
Ultra Budget Brews - Tiana, Ship's Caretaker
Pauper Commander? Meet the Ultra Budget Boros Angel!
Ultra Budget Brews - Mairsil, the Pretender
( | Art by Izzy) You're the Pretender Welcome back to another edition of Ultra Budget Brews, the article series that builds entire EDH decks containing no card that costs more than $1. I write this series because I like saving money and if I enjoy something, I figure others do as well. Besides just […]
Ultra Budget Brews - Melek, Izzet Paragon
Melek makes a mean token army, all without any cards that cost more than $1.
Underdog's Corner - Borborygmos, Enraged
Forgotten (Semi) Ancient Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another installment of my series: the Underdog's Corner! If this your first time visiting my portion of EDHREC's articles, I'm glad you're here! Each week I cover a commander whom I believe falls into one of several categories: the commander is underplayed in relation to it's color combination, is […]
Spreading the Love - EDH Scavenger Hunt!
Kya Vess
It's (Almost) That Time of Year! Happy November Everyone! Kya here once again! I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for their opinions on my last article. It was an interesting topic to cover, and I have to say I was very happy with the maturity of everyone's input on the subject. As […]
Ultra Budget Brews - 5 Colors
Hello and welcome back to another edition of Ultra Budget Brews, the monthly article series that builds entire Commander decks in which no card costs more than $1. Every week, I give you all a poll so that you all have some say in what these articles end up being about. If I'm writing about […]