60 to 100 — The Greatest (God-Pharaoh's) Gift
Smell that? No, not your weird uncle and his "cologne", that he keeps hanging from his rear-view window. Yes, that other smell. The good one. It's that post-Pro Tour smell. Some innovation popped up like I told you it would, and, since I am a man of my word, I'm here to jam the most […]
Pure // Simple - Get More Cards in All Colors
Welcome back to Pure // Simple, the article series that takes the mystery out of card choices in Commander. Commander is usually a game of attrition. [card]Wrath of God[/card]-like cards destroy your creatures, you use your [card]Chaos Warp[/card] to deal with an opponent’s big threat, and maybe [card]Neheb, the Worthy[/card] has been making you discard […]
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