
Commander Showdown — Mathas vs Queen Marchesa

Commander Showdown — Mathas vs Queen Marchesa

Joseph Schultz
Joseph Schultz
Mardu Politics Commander 2017 has graced us with a host of new tribal commanders, from Cats to Dragons to Cat Dragons. However, for this week's Commander Showdown, I'd like to take a step back from all the tribal synergies and focus instead upon a strange and intriguing new inclusion to the 'Vampiric Bloodlust' precon. His name is [card]Mathas, Fiend Seeker[/card], and […]
EDH Political Science — Mathas, FRIEND Seeker

EDH Political Science — Mathas, FRIEND Seeker

Rick Amundson
Rick Amundson
The world lived in chaos before 1945. War was the status quo for many places through out history. In the age we have lived in since the end of World War II there have been many quarrels and fights between super powers. Deaths have occurred; however, on a large scale, the world has less violence […]
Weird Harvest — Pharika, Plague Politics

Weird Harvest — Pharika, Plague Politics

Christopher Russell
Christopher Russell
Hello everyone and welcome to the first installment of Weird Harvest. Over the course of this series I hope to impress upon all of you one of my favorite elements of EDH, and that is using jank during our build process to disrupt our opponents. You may ask yourself, “Why would I ever intentionally put […]
EDH Political Science — Party Time, Excellent

EDH Political Science — Party Time, Excellent

Rick Amundson
Rick Amundson
Political parties have been a contentious part of United States politics since the founding of the nation. Alexander Hamilton and James Madison wrote about their concerns and the benefits of "factions" on the political stage in the ninth and tenth Federalist Papers. They began a heated debate that years later led to the formation of […]
EDH Political Science — Breaking Bolas

EDH Political Science — Breaking Bolas

Rick Amundson
Rick Amundson
Heroes are what write books, and get movies onto the silver screen. Villains keep us enthralled and hooked. Foils are vastly more intriguing than protagonists. Dracula, Darth Vader, and The Joker are the figures that we remember more vividly than heroes. Through history villains have had more appeal than their fictional counterparts. The attention that […]
EDH Political Science — Marchesa's Bully Pulpit

EDH Political Science — Marchesa's Bully Pulpit

Rick Amundson
Rick Amundson
At the end of last year India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, announced a bold plan to cut out black market spending and corruption. Eliminate money. Not all money, but enough of the untraceable, large denomination, physical bills so the underground economy is either left exposed or starves. A wave of anti-corruption politics has swept other […]
EDH Political Science — Saskia and the Olive Branch

EDH Political Science — Saskia and the Olive Branch

Rick Amundson
Rick Amundson
Have you ever been stabbed in the back? No, I haven’t had someone put a knife in my spine either, but having a friend betray you at the last moment is devastating. Nation-states try to prevent this sort of betrayal by creating treaties. They do act similarly to the ones you crafted when you realized […]
EDH Political Science — Edric, the Spy Who Loved Me

EDH Political Science — Edric, the Spy Who Loved Me

Rick Amundson
Rick Amundson
Government agencies are still not beyond the use of covert espionage. There was a recent New York Times report that uncovered details of more than a dozen United States spies working in China who died or were captured between 2010 and 2012. It wasn't that long ago when the US was in trouble with a […]
EDH Political Science — Propaganda

EDH Political Science — Propaganda

Rick Amundson
Rick Amundson
Everyday we are bombarded with advertisements about one brand of soap or car insurance being the best offer on the market. We hear encouraging things from politicians about their policies. We work at places that tell us why "Jen" got a big gold star for being employee of the month. When we sit down at […]
EDH Political Science — Battle Hymn of the Republic

EDH Political Science — Battle Hymn of the Republic

Rick Amundson
Rick Amundson
Voting Matters A vote is a powerful thing. It doesn’t matter the number of people voting. What matters is representation. The idea that your voice in concert with your fellow citizens creates change shape the modern world. By your vote or by a representative, history shows the idea of having representation and choice is powerful […]