superior numbers
Superior Numbers - Wondering What Wipes Wreck What
How effective are the most popular board wipes? Let's crunch the numbers!
Superior Numbers - Cards Caring about Colors: Blue
These cards care about specific colors, so let's check out their efficacy in EDH
Superior Numbers - Your Favorite Card Sucks
Personal style can make bad cards good... and good cards bad!
Superior Numbers - Cards Caring about Colors: Green
It's not easy being green... but let's make it harder for green anyway!
Superior Numbers - The Rise of the Supercommanders
Dana takes a critical look at the power levels of recent commanders
Superior Numbers - Brewing Around Tunnel Vision
Time to challenge some preconceived notions!
Superior Numbers - The Truth Behind Three Truisms
Digging into the data behind some good advice
Superior Numbers - The Big Turn
High Tide? Bubbling Muck? Dana examines the one-time mana doublers.
Superior Numbers - The Anatomy of an Upgrade
How do you add new cards to an old deck? Dana walks through his procedures.
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