yuriko the tigers shadow
Power Sink - Assassins of the Deep
Yuriko's famous for powerful Ninja tribal... but what if she took a deep dive in a NEW direction?
Evasive Maneuvers — Unblockable
Trent's got everything you need to know about unblockability and more!
Too-Specific Top 10 - So Lonely and Sadly Alone
These keywords were one-time-only, but they're still very popular!
Superior Numbers - Do Dollar Duals Denote Domination?
Does the presence of one powerful card imply even more to come?
Top Commanders of 2019
Nate goes step-by-step through 2019's commander popularity races
Too-Specific Top 10 - Evergreen, Schmevergreen
Which non-evergreen keywords appear on the most popular legends?
Mechanically Minded - Ninjutsu
Ninjutsu for You Everybody loves Ninjas. You loved them in Mortal Kombat. You loved them when you read about them in the Magic Treehouse books (or was that just me?). And you probably loved them when they first appeared in Betrayers of Kamigawa, despite them being criminally under-supported. Their signature mechanic is, of course, Ninjutsu, and this week […]