anax and cymede

Andrew Jackson Highlander - Anax and Cymede

Andrew Jackson Highlander - Anax and Cymede

Brody Mikel
Brody Mikel
Aura of Heroes Welcome to Andrew Jackson Highlander, a weekly series where I share an EDH deck tech that costs $20 or less. For the third AJH post, we’re taking the typical Boros approach and going aggro. However, we will be taking an enchantment approach with some heroic help from [[Anax and Cymede]]. This week, […]
Dig Through Time — Urza's Block

Dig Through Time — Urza's Block

Dean Gootee
Dean Gootee
Welcome back to another Dig Through Time, and I apologize for the delay between our last column and today's. Just an FYI, this series is going to become slightly more intermittent, dropping down to once a month or so for the time being, as my family welcomed my second baby on November 21st (fingers crossed […]
Ultra Budget Brews — Anax and Cymede

Ultra Budget Brews — Anax and Cymede

Andrew Cummings
Andrew Cummings
Welcome to the 5th edition of Ultra Budget Brews, the series that builds entire EDH decks where nothing costs more than $1! (I totally should have named this series Dollar General. To you, the reader, I apologize.) Recently, I discussed how the rules of EDH tend to lead to a few different archetypes of decks […]