Mechanical Memories — Trinkets & Tokens
Jubilee takes us on a Trinket-filled EDH adventure in the land of Foods, Treasures, and Clues.
Rise to the Challenge - The Best Sets for Commander
Which single Magic expansion has contributed the most to the Commander format?
Historically Speaking - Worldslayer, Regeneration, and the Power of History
Where we put one card under the magnifying glass of history to unlock new strategies!
Historically Speaking — Emperors, Stones, and Suns
There are certain types of people who simply seem to be followed in the course of their lives by a symphonic heavy metal soundtrack. The Mexica king, Axayacatl, is a prime example of such people. Even factoring in the Mexica empire’s substantial love of theatre, violence, and theatrical violence, his personal comportment stands out. Axayactl […]
Librarian Lore — The Mysterious Case of the Three-Fingered Dinosaur
Librarian Lore: The Mysterious Case of the Three-Fingered Dinosaur The appearance of the new Elder Dinosaurs and the reinforcements that arrived for the tribe in this new set only made me more determined, as a lifelong Timmy, to have my own personal Jurassic Park in my pocket. Put down your torches and pitchforks, it won’t […]
Librarian Lore — The Scarab God
Librarian Lore: Beetles, Bolas, and the Road to Eternity Welcome to Librarian Lore! My name is Casey Spark and I will be your guide through making connections to the real world cultural and mythological influences on your favorite commanders! I have been playing Magic: the Gathering since the original Ravnica block and Commander since I […]
Historically Speaking — Blood Fast and Bat Gods
Welcome to Historically Speaking! I’m Charlie Allison, and I’ll be your guide through mythology, anthropology, and burn spells! I’ve been playing Magic: The Gathering since middle school, and Commander in particular since college, putting about a decade of experience brewing, scheming, and fuming over historical travesties under my belt. When I’m not playing Magic or […]