
Partner Focus — Thrasios, Triton Hero

Partner Focus — Thrasios, Triton Hero

Nate Burgess
Nate Burgess
[card]Thrasios, Triton Hero[/card]. This guy. I know plenty of Simic-loving players who would gladly use this guy as a backup partner, just for access to the blue green colors, and using him as a mana sink in the background behind whoever their actual favorite partner happens to be. Is it possible to design a deck where this guy […]
Singleton Guild Wheel: Sygg, the Incredible Mr. Limpett

Singleton Guild Wheel: Sygg, the Incredible Mr. Limpett

Matt Morgan
Matt Morgan
This article is part 7 of a 10 part series covering the Singleton Guild Wheel Project, a 10 deck project in which there is only a single copy of any non-basic land among the 10 decks. Each deck uses the color combination of a different Ravnican guild. The methodology is introduced here and expanded upon each […]
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