EDHREC News Update — MTGO Commander Follow Up 5/6/17
Wizards of the Coast released this update on 5/5/17 as a follow up to their original release about the new MTGO 1v1 Commander Banlist article. So we at EDHREC are now releasing this update to our own article which can be found over here detailing the changes and it's application. I know that's a lot of linking […]
EDHREC News Update — MTGO 1v1 Commander 5/3/17
Welcome back to EDHREC new at noon! As part of our continuing efforts to cover all things 100-card formats we wanted to cover the recent announcement on 5/2/2017 by Bryan Hawley from Wizards of the Coast. This involved the introduction of a new banlist and structure for play on Magic's online client, Magic Online. "MTGO […]