niv mizzet reborn

Epic Experiment - Niv-Mizzet Reborn

Epic Experiment - Niv-Mizzet Reborn

Bernardo Melibeu
Bernardo Melibeu
How do we balance Niv's guild distribution to get the best value?
Collected Company - Jegantha

Collected Company - Jegantha

Bernardo Melibeu
Bernardo Melibeu
Let's find this reindeer a new group of friends!
Bringing Magic to Life - Attaining Niv-ana

Bringing Magic to Life - Attaining Niv-ana

Kya Vess
Kya Vess
( | Art by Craig Spearing) Another Player Enters the Fold Editor's Note: Article has been updated 6/6/2019 to include attribution to u/ShaperSavant's Food Chain primer Hey everyone! Kya here once again! Welcome back to Bringing Magic to Life, the series where I appease my corporate overlords and justify my existence here on EDHREC. Here […]
War of the Spark Set Review - Colorless/Colorful

War of the Spark Set Review - Colorless/Colorful

Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander
Colorless cards? Three colors or more? War of the Spark has amazing EDH cards everywhere!