recurring insight

Combo Corner — Cascade

Combo Corner — Cascade

Patrick Sippola
Patrick Sippola
Guess who's back! Patrick Sippola is back and better than ever, and I'm here to crack some mad, homebrewed combos on you with a smile on my face and the stack as confusing as possible. At least that is going to happen this time around, where it isn't a particular card I'm going to build […]
Underdog's Corner — Kefnet, the Mindful

Underdog's Corner — Kefnet, the Mindful

Mason Brantley
Mason Brantley
New Year, Same Underdogs Hello and welcome back to the first Underdog's Corner of 2018! It's a new year, which means it's likely to look a lot like the last year. It's a time for opportunities to reinvent ourselves, make changes to our lives, and generally try to improve upon the previous years in some […]