red green
Ravnica Allegiance Set Review - Gruul
Nikya of the Old Ways by Ryan Pancoast (@rpancoast_art) Not Gruul? THEN DIE! Hello, and welcome to EDHREC's set review for Ravnica Allegiance! Right out the Guildgate, let me be honest: the Gruul color combination hasn't ever truly resonated with me. However, this set is looking awesome, which means it might be time for that […]
Underdog's Corner - Borborygmos, Enraged
Forgotten (Semi) Ancient Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another installment of my series: the Underdog's Corner! If this your first time visiting my portion of EDHREC's articles, I'm glad you're here! Each week I cover a commander whom I believe falls into one of several categories: the commander is underplayed in relation to it's color combination, is […]