search for azcanta

Superior Numbers - Crucible of Worlds

Superior Numbers - Crucible of Worlds

Dana Roach
Dana Roach
"We were all forged in the crucible." Welcome to Superior Numbers, where I try to do numerical analysis on cards and deckbuilding trends using slightly more math and slightly less snark than in my usual column. Slightly. So. . It first appeared in Magic in Fifth Dawn way back in 2004, and it's had a couple of […]
60 to 100 — CopyKess and Her Primal Search for Azacanta's Amulet

60 to 100 — CopyKess and Her Primal Search for Azacanta's Amulet

Matt Morgan
Matt Morgan
And now back to your regularly scheduled programming... Welcome back to 60 to 100 everyone! Thank you so much for the amazing response to my last article; it was awesome to see and hear what you all had to say. I will certainly keep the door open to adding some feedback from you all. But […]
Ixalan EDH Review — Blue

Ixalan EDH Review — Blue

Dana Roach
Dana Roach
Ixalan is upon us, in all its colorful, dino-riding, neck-biting, treasure-hunting glory. It's a bright colorful set dominated by four distinctive tribes all chasing after an elusive lost city of gold. And given their toned-down presence it's possible that maybe, just maybe this world will be left in one piece when we move on in the spring […]