silver bordered
Un-Mander Showdown — Lazav vs Phoebe
Shifting Shape As of two days ago, January 15th, Un-Mander is officially over. The Unstable season has ended, and silver-bordered cards are no longer legal in EDH. Some players are happy about this, some are sad, most probably don't care one way or the other, but it is definitely over. So why, you ask, am […]
Low Market — A Great Un-dertaking
Grusilda, Monster Masher art by Mathias Kollros Here on Low Market, we've only just started playing with Unstable, and we're already having an un-credible time with it; so much so that we're coming back around with another silver-bordered commander. This time, though, we're building for flexibility, with a deck capable of using a silver-bordered commander ([card]Grusilda, […]
UN-derdog's Corner — Dr. Julius Jumblemorph
I Hope You UN-derstand Hello, everyone and welcome to a special edition of the Underdog's Corner! If you noticed the title, we are focusing on one of the silver-bordered legends from the newest set, Unstable! While silver-bordered cards are only legal until the banned and restricted announcement for Commander in January, I thought it would […]