vela the night clad
Evasive Maneuvers - Fear and Intimidate
How effective are evasive keywords in Commander? Let's sneak through and find out!
EDHRECast Ep99 - High Variance Commanders vs Low Variance Commanders ft. Commander Cookout
EDHREC is joined by Commander Cookout to discuss the "Spiciest" commanders in all of EDH - the commanders with the highest and lowest degrees of variance within their decks! Which features cause a commander's deck to look similar to others, and which qualities make that commander's 99 unpredictable? Check out CCO at ENTER […]
Too-Specific Top 10 - Leaving an Impression
Measuring the most popular cards that trigger when they leave the battlefield!
Superior Numbers - I Played 352 Games of EDH in 2019
Dana logged every single game he played in 2019. These are the results.
Will War of the Spark Make "Oops, All Planeswalkers" Viable in All Colors?
Will the new War of the Spark planeswalkers make all-planeswalker decks possible?
Commander Showdown - Vela vs Yuriko
Lurking in the Shadows Happy Halloween to all! In honor of this dark and spooky holiday, let's take a look at Magic's deadliest shadow-dwelling commanders! Commander 2018 introduced one of the craziest legends we've ever seen: [card]Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow[/card]. At long last, our wishes for a Ninja Tribal commander were fulfilled! Does the term "Commander ninjutsu" […]
The Knowledge Pool - Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow
Go Ninja Go! Hi everyone! Welcome back to The Knowledge Pool! This week we get to finally talk about the long awaited Commander 2018 set! For me, the yearly Commander sets tend to be the most exciting product Wizards releases. While people seem to have varying opinions on this year's offering, I think it's fairly […]
EDHRECast - Our Decks!
EDHRECast - Our Personal Decklists! Hello! Below you'll find links for decks belonging to the hosts of the EDHRECast: Joey Schultz, Matt Morgan, and Dana Roach! Check out the EDHRECast here! Enjoy the cast, and enjoy the decklists! Joey's Decks - Baby Lasagna - Mimeoplastic - Syrah Konnor + - A "Commander" Commander Deck - […]
Ultra Budget Brews — Vela the Night-Clad
Hello and welcome back to Ultra Budget Brews, where we prove weekly that "Magic content of the poors, by the poors, and for the poors, shall not perish from the internet." It's also the article series where historical quotes are butchered and tangentially related gifs and memes are repurposed in an attempt to dazzle and […]
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