doubling season
Trading Dudes for Foods: Bant Aristocrats
Ben gives us a Golem's-ton of weighty strategies that utilize Bant colors by sacrificing creatures for value.
Wombo Combo - Mono-Green Edition
These infinite combos are sure to make your opponents green with envy.
Dominaria United Set Review - Allied Colors and Shards
Reviews come to a close! Philomène tackles the last half of Dominaria's multicolored cards!
Power Sink - Atraxa's Mist Connections
You've heard of Atraxa Infect and Atraxa Superfriends... but what about Atraxa Group Hug Turbofog?
Commander Showdown - Esix vs Brudiclad
A new token-transformer has entered the ring! How does Esix compare to Brudiclad?
EDH Political Science - Safety Valve
When political pressure builds in EDH, here are some safety valves to handle it!
Superior Numbers - I Played 352 Games of EDH in 2019
Dana logged every single game he played in 2019. These are the results.
Commander Showdown - Pir & Toothy vs Vorel
Pir & Toothy and Vorel both love Simic counters... but how do they compare?
60 to 100 - Doubling Down with Emmara
Mara Jade, Meet Emmara Tandris Welcome once again, party people! Thanks for coming back to our (usually) bi-weekly article series that crosses the streams of 60-card formats and our 100-card singleton format. This week is something near and dear to my heart. It's doubly special because... well, it's all about doubling things! Tokens, specifically. Do […]
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