
Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Rakdos, the Muscle Deck Tech

Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Rakdos, the Muscle Deck Tech

Joshua Wood
Joshua Wood
New, from Outlaws of Thunder Junction. It's Rakdos, the Muscle, a new legend that turns creature sacrifice into card advantage. Check out the full deck tech here!
Archetune-Up - A Taste of Madness

Archetune-Up - A Taste of Madness

Angelo Guerrera
Angelo Guerrera
Tuning up a deck for Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar? Angelo has a spicy recipe!
Archetune-Up - Whips and Chainers Excite Me

Archetune-Up - Whips and Chainers Excite Me

Angelo Guerrera
Angelo Guerrera
Chainer tries out some new themes to improve his play!
Commander Showdown - Chainer vs Chainer

Commander Showdown - Chainer vs Chainer

Joseph Schultz
Joseph Schultz
Chainer vs Chainer! Which reanimator gives enemies more nightmares?