chainer nightmare adept

Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Rakdos, the Muscle Deck Tech

Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Rakdos, the Muscle Deck Tech

Joshua Wood
Joshua Wood
New, from Outlaws of Thunder Junction. It's Rakdos, the Muscle, a new legend that turns creature sacrifice into card advantage. Check out the full deck tech here!
Archetune-Up - A Taste of Madness

Archetune-Up - A Taste of Madness

Angelo Guerrera
Angelo Guerrera
Tuning up a deck for Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar? Angelo has a spicy recipe!
Commander Showdown - Chainer vs Chainer

Commander Showdown - Chainer vs Chainer

Joseph Schultz
Joseph Schultz
Chainer vs Chainer! Which reanimator gives enemies more nightmares?
Replacement Commanders - Recurring Nightmares

Replacement Commanders - Recurring Nightmares

DM Cross
DM Cross
( | Art by Steve Prescott) The Next Link in the Chain Welcome back, Commander faithful, to another 2019 edition of Replacement Commanders! This is where we shine the spotlight on the unique legendary creatures in the Commander 2019 precon decks that didn't make it on the front of the packaging. Before we get into […]