vorel of the hull clade
Wombo Combo - Best Simic EDH Combos
Find powerful Simic wincons in the form of infinite combos!
Unburden - In Search of a True 100-Card Commander Deck
Which commanders require the most accessories, and which don't use any tokens or dice at all?
Kaldheim Set Review - Green
Green does crazy things in Commander, and Kaldheim's cards are here to prove it!
Commander Showdown - Hallar vs Verazol
Looking to kick it? Let's find out which Kicker-mander is right for you!
Commander Showdown - Pir & Toothy vs Vorel
Pir & Toothy and Vorel both love Simic counters... but how do they compare?
The Chopping Block — Vorel of the Hull Clade
Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the first article in The Chopping Block. My name is Josh Coleman, and I’m here to bring you some Commander insight. I’m an avid Commander player with over a decade of experience in the format. From my first red-white cool-art deck, to my turn-two-win [Card]Teferi, Temporal Archmage[/Card] deck, I’ve […]