kopala warden of waves

Historically Speaking — Merfolk and Mayans, Oh My!

Historically Speaking — Merfolk and Mayans, Oh My!

Charles Allison
Charles Allison
Welcome back to Historically Speaking! We’ve covered vampires, cat-people and the distinct possibility of bat-gods in previous articles. Today we proceed to examine the probable cultural influences and aesthetics of the green and blue faction of Ixalan—the River Heralds, those jade-encrusted merfolk who guard the path to the Golden City (more on that later—in a […]
Ixalan EDH Review — Blue

Ixalan EDH Review — Blue

Dana Roach
Dana Roach
Ixalan is upon us, in all its colorful, dino-riding, neck-biting, treasure-hunting glory. It's a bright colorful set dominated by four distinctive tribes all chasing after an elusive lost city of gold. And given their toned-down presence it's possible that maybe, just maybe this world will be left in one piece when we move on in the spring […]