Justice League Commander Decks - Superman and his Superfriends
EDHREC gives you an exclusive first look Dragon Shield's newest Justice League sleeves!
Mind Bend - Walkerless Superfriends
Let's build a planeswalker deck... with no planeswalkers!
EDHRECast Ep95 - Your Deck's Achilles Heel
Just like Achilles, every Commander deck has a secret weakness. It's not about opponents having the perfect answer to your strategy - sometimes there's a hidden weak point in the deck itself... one the deck brewer may not even know, that can be the deck's downfall. Today the EDHRECast digs through tons of deck archetypes […]
Replacement Commanders - You Can't Break These Walls Down!
DM Cross
Sometimes defense is the best offense
Epic Experiment - Baird Superfriend Prison
Baird protects all, especially his Superfriends.
Heart of the Cards – Ilharg, the Raze-Boar
Cow goes "moo," Dog says "woof," and Dragons go "Oink."
Underdog's Corner - Storrev, Devkarin Lich
This underdog is an undertaker! Time to resurrect some Golgari Superfriends!
Epic Experiment - Tibor And Lumia Superfriends
Tibor and Lumia keep creatures at bay... which clears the way for a Superfriend takeover!
Commander Showdown - Pir & Toothy vs Vorel
Pir & Toothy and Vorel both love Simic counters... but how do they compare?